We have 112 contracts signed - Here is a list of the 20 remaining UNSIGNED individuals.

Good Afternoon Everyone. We have 112 signed contracts. There are only 20 contracts remaining!

Please continue to speak to your neighbors who haven't signed. Thank you!


  1. Would it be inappropriate to have a column listing the reason(s) those owners have expressed for not signing to help in the discourse??

  2. I said this on the previous post already, but I thought it might be useful to repeat it:

    While I understand that posting anonymously may provide the ability to speak more freely, I can't shake the feeling that we may be hurting ourselves by continuing to do so. We're to the point that a handful of holdouts are seriously jeopardizing the sale. If you know of specific people with specific issues, we need to know who they are so that we can approach them directly, and it would be helpful to know who you, the commenter, are so that we can better coordinate our actions. It will also help limit the generation of rumors and misunderstandings if we can speak directly about information, like "Bob Smith said X."

    1. I may be in the minority here, but I do not think putting a column of why or reasons is helpful. The board, building sale committee, other owners, and Josh are all working behind the scenes away from this blog per se to get this over the finish line. I for one am somewhat encouraged that we only have 20 to go and its November 15th. Let this play out a bit and have some patience, this was never going to be easy. There is a strategy in place that is being implemented. Lets be helpful and supportive vs. the alternative.

    2. Micheal, I do agree. I too am encouraged and believe we should let this play out a little. Two signers a day is not insurmountable. Still optimistic.


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