
Showing posts from March, 2018

Seller Signings Postponed Until Further Notice

Due to unforeseen circumstances explained below, the Buyer of Sobu Flats has postponed Seller signings at this time . Walkthroughs scheduled with Shawn Daugherty are cancelled at this time. Seller signings previously scheduled with Campbell and Brannon for the next few weeks have been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.  Josh and Shawn will be in contact with unit owners who have previously booked airfare and made travel arrangements for signings. The Buyer’s inspection of the Sobu building revealed repair and renovation costs which exceeded initial estimates by 25-35%, amounting to millions of dollars in excess costs.  As a result, the Buyers will be conducting additional due diligence for the next 30 days to assess the likelihood of redevelopment of the Property as a whole.  Among other items, this will require an in-depth inquiry into the potential for re-zoning the property subject to the City of Atlanta’s regulations.  As with all matters...

Closing and Funding Update – Action Needed

Campbell & Brannon continues to pre-close all 132 Sobu units.   A new projected funding date for the closing of June 8, 2018 has been identified .  This funding date is necessary due to title matters unique to certain units discovered in pre-closing which must be cleared prior to funding all transactions.  However, while the funding date is now projected to be June 8, 2018, it is critical that all unit owners schedule signing appointments with Campbell & Brannon in the coming weeks.  With 132 Seller signings being required prior to funding, the sooner all signings occur, and title matters are resolved, the closer everyone is to the finish line.    Please email  to schedule your signing appointment if you have not done so already.  Please suggest your preferred time, and they will do their best to accommodate your schedule.  Available signing dates include April 3 rd  through ...

Update on Pre-Closing Process and things to come.....

Just wanted to give a quick update on how the Pre-Closing process has been going.  We’re still waiting on three individuals to complete their seller information sheet . Once Campbell and Brannon have processed the paperwork for all 132 units we'll have a substantial update on things to come.  The remaining individuals are aware they need to complete their information sheets and have communicated they have full intention to complete them promptly.  More updates soon!!! Stay positive, and if you need anything please feel free to call me. SOBU is all I'm focussed on. Just ask my wife!   (•‿•)

Buyers still Need Access to a 410 SF & 600SF unit

Dear SOBU Homeowners, The buyers still need access to a   410 SF & 600SF unit  this Friday. If you have one of these units and can accommodate, please let us know as soon as possible. Again, this will be between the hours of 11AM-1PM. They will need access to the unit for 5-10 minutes. Anyone willing to allow access to your unit, please text me at 404-547-3622 with your:  -Name  -Unit number  - Floorplan  -What time would be most convenient to show the condo between 11-1pm Thank you in advance.  Josh Reeves & Shawn Daugherty

Buyers Need Access to units on Friday

Dear SOBU Homeowners, The buyers need access to one of every floorplan in the building this Friday between the hours of 11AM-1PM. They will need access to the unit for 5-10 minutes. Anyone willing to allow access to your unit, please text me at 404-547-3622 with your:  -Name  -Unit number  - Floorplan  -What time would be most convenient to show the condo between 11-1pm Thank you in advance.  Josh Reeves

Please Remember to complete your Pre-closing Process by --> THIS FRIDAY <--

Hi Everyone! I hope this message finds you well! I just want to encourage all of you to please complete the online Seller Information Sheet. In case you missed it, there is a deadline of Friday, March 9, 2018.......which is this Friday. Campbell & Brannon has staff dedicated to assisting in this process, so please make use of their resources and don’t wait until the last moment. Talk to your neighbors and kindly remind them to complete their Seller Information Sheet online. Thank you! Sobu Flats Pre-Closing in Process-Action Required  Campbell & Brannon has begun pre-closing for the upcoming closings of all units. All Owners are required to complete the online Seller Information Sheet via the secure link at\sobu  by  Friday, March 9, 2018 . **** Note once each owner has completed the Seller Information Form on the link provided they will get a confirmation email with additional information**** Please review the informat...